Neighbors helping neighbors. That’s what Neighbor to Neighbor (N2N) is all about.
We provide free rides, deliver food to those who are unable to get out, enable friends to visit friends, and do what we can to help our neighbors in need. But we couldn’t do it without your help.
Why should I donate?
Every donation, large or small, supports our mission and enables us to reach out and help St. George residents live healthier, productive, and more “connected” lives, regardless of their age or financial situation.
We provide free rides, deliver food to those who cannot drive themselves, enable friends to vote or visit friends, and do what we can to help our St. George, Maine neighbors.
What does Neighbor to Neighbor do with the donations it receives?
Although N2N is powered by volunteers, we do have some significant expenses. In recent years, ridership volume has increased to the point where we’ve needed to employ a dispatcher to track ride requests and schedule drivers. Donations also help N2N provide gas cards to neighbors who need them, pay insurance costs, and cover the normal expenses of running a small, non-profit organization.
Is my donation tax-deductible?
Yes, all donations to N2N are tax-deductible. We are a tax-exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Will I receive a receipt?
Yes, we acknowledge all donations with a hand-written or emailed receipt.
What if I have other questions about donating to Neighbor to Neighbor?
Please CALL 207-691-7069 or email us at